Reconnective Therapy (RCT) is a revolutionary healing technique that treats and heals the energetic origins of illness and dysfunction by a process of vibrational resonance. This means that there is no direct interaction with the client’s energy by the practitioner. Instead, through resonance the RCT practitioner acts as a catalyst for the client’s body to heal itself.
Even though the practitioner knows which area has been treated, the decision of what to treat is made solely by the client’s highest self. This decision takes place entirely beyond conscious awareness and is based on the client’s greatest need from a soul perspective.
Profound healing may happen quickly after an RCT treatment—within hours or days—or it may be subtle and incremental and occur over weeks or months. Gradual change indicates that related emotional, mental, or physical aspects of the illness need to be dealt with first and in the proper order before the issue that brought the client to treatment can be fully resolved. The client’s guides and highest self control the speed of healing to make sure it is done safely.