Key RCT concepts

§    RCT treatments don’t heal by “doing” anything; instead, they heal through resonance and being.
§    RCT treatments don’t involve scanning or manipulating the client’s energy; instead, the unique energy systems of both the practitioner and the client remain separate during the treatment, as resonance and divine loving oneness impact them both.
§    RCT treatments aren’t directed by the practitioner; instead, the practitioner is guided by the client’s spiritual intelligence (which is beyond conscious awareness) to the aspect that most needs to be reconnected with the highest expression of health.
§     RCT treatments don’t channel energy from the practitioner to the client; instead, the practitioner sets up a state of resonance in their energy body, and this enables the client’s body to reconnect itself to the blueprint of health that surrounds them. There is no “doing” on the part of the practitioner—treatment happens on its own in the client’s body once the proper energetic conditions are in place.
§     RCT treatments don’t require the client to believe anything; instead, the energy that’s used operates well above the level of conscious awareness, so the client’s mind and emotions cannot interfere with the treatment.
§     RCT treatments don’t take a lot of time; instead, once resonance is in place treatments last less than a minute, because unlike other healing methods, RCT is not physically based even though it has physical effects. Most of the time in the session is spent identifying issues beforehand and discussing practitioner and client observations afterwards.
§    RCT treatments don’t fight disease, illness, or dysfunction; instead, they create the conditions for ideal health and wellness so symptoms of disease, illness, and dysfunction disappear on their own.
§     RCT treatments aren’t just for physical, emotional, and mental issues; instead, they provide spiritual seekers with a pathway for accelerated spiritual growth and evolution as the benefits of the profound healing that began during treatment are integrated into their lives.
§    RCT treatments don’t end when the treatment is over; instead the repercussions of even a single treatment last a lifetime, because it frees up energy in the client’s unconscious that previously enabled their illness or dysfunction to exist. The newly released energy not only leads to physical healing, it also gives clients greater emotional and mental freedom to make different decisions in life.
§    RCT treatments don’t require remembering traumatic events for emotional healing to take place; instead, treatment enables the client’s highest self to re-interpret the original traumatic event in a healthy way, which in turn collapses the dysfunction associated with the original event because the energy keeping it in place disappears.
§    RCT treatments don’t assume that genetic diseases are incurable; instead, they act on the knowledge that at the highest level of the energy body, no illness is possible—even genetic diseases. There is absolutely no limitation on what the body can heal if such healing is within the soul’s purpose for this lifetime.
The energy accessed in an RCT treatment doesn’t operate rationally; if it did, it wouldn’t be able to treat unconscious and subconscious issues that are inaccessible to the conscious mind. Instead, the energies are of such a high quality that treatment occurs well beyond even the practitioner’s awareness. The proof of a successful treatment comes later, when the client informs the practitioner about changes they’ve observed in their bodies, belief systems, or emotions. However irrational, it works!